A doge is an elected chief of state lordship, the ruler of the Republic in many of the Italian city states during the medieval and renaissance periods, in the Italian "crowned republics".
The word is from a Venetian word that descends from the Latin dux (as do the English duke and the standard Italian duce and duca), meaning "leader", especially in a military context. The wife of a doge is styled a dogaressa. [1]
Fresh off of our recent trip to Aspen, Colorado to attend Cosmetic Bootcamp, we’r...
By Jake Laban, Chris Hall and Eric Fredricksen esq. Recently, we noticed that LegalZoom...
The American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery 2013 Annual Scientific Meeting was a huge succ...
Let us show you guaranteed ROI! This will be our last past-focused post for about ...
Do your fans and followers actually see your posts? Let’s remember the ultimate g...
Great news, Total Social Solutions is now offering a mobile app that you can use ...
TSS’s booth at the Aesthetic Extender Symposium 2012 in Boca Raton. Total Social ...
This NY Times article discusses how Yelp will now strike back at people who purchase ...
Huge news came out a couple of weeks ago. Facebook announced that they are now charging...
Every marketing campaign justifies its existence by delivering business. How do we know...