A doge is an elected chief of state lordship, the ruler of the Republic in many of the Italian city states during the medieval and renaissance periods, in the Italian "crowned republics".
The word is from a Venetian word that descends from the Latin dux (as do the English duke and the standard Italian duce and duca), meaning "leader", especially in a military context. The wife of a doge is styled a dogaressa. [1]
In the most recent issue of ASDS Currents Magazine (an official members-only publicatio...
The ASDS Annual Meeting for 2016 was held in New Orleans, LA, organized by ASDS ...
TSS Managing Director Jennifer Kilkenny and Web Team Lead Christina Aldan joined dermat...
If you follow all of the well-known social media experts, like Mashable, Social Media E...
If you haven’t heard about yesterday’s Google algorithm update that penaliz...
From Facebook video embedding to 3D videos and advanced commenting, Facebook unveiled i...
No matter how much internet marketing you’re doing, chances are you’re miss...
Our Director of Operations Jennifer Kilkenny joined with fellow Girls in Tech Las Vegas...
Whether you’re using social media as part of your aesthetic medical marketing str...
Last week, Facebook announced another update to posts in the newsfeed, but this one is ...